Friday, October 27, 2006

Carole keeping busy..

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DRI 2006 Children's Halloween Party

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DRI Halloween Party 2006

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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Greg Bortolin and Dr. Steve Wells wait for Senator Ensign-10/4~Bob Wilkie Photo

Senator Ensign's Visit to DRI-10/2006-Photos:By Bob Wilkie-

All photographs by Bob

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Photos taken during Senator Ensign's Visit

~All photos by Bob Wilkie

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Photos from Senator Ensign's Visit-10/06

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Bright Fall Colors at NNSC after the rainstorm on 10/5/06

~Photo:Bob Wilkie Posted by Picasa

Rainstorm Over Reno~By Harlan Schmidt

Dark Rainstorm blowing through Reno on 10/5/06.
Photo~Harlan Schmidt Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Dr. Steve Wells presented the DRI Service Awards

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Dr. Hallett receiving his Long Term Service Award

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DRI 2006 Long Term Service Award Winners

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DRI Reno 30 Year Service Award Winner

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DRI Reno 30 Year Service Award Winner

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DRI Reno 30 Year Service Award Winner

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DRI Reno 30 Year Service Award Winner

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DRI Reno 25 Year Service Award Winners

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DRI Reno 25 Year Service Award Winners

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DRI Reno 20 Year Service Award Winners

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